It’s that never-ending loop in your head that fills your body with worry and fear.
Constantly second-guessing even the smallest decisions.
You can’t concentrate and see tasks through. It feels like your life is collapsing around you.
Avoiding situations because of the fear and anxiety – you feel out of control!
You struggle to connect with friends and family.
Where is the joy, balance, and calm?
When you live with anxiety, it’s frustrating and isolating.
Your stress is overwhelming as you struggle to stay focused. You are consumed with worrying, sleep more often, and your eating habits have changed.
You’re not alone. About 40 million adult Americans struggle with Anxiety. There is a lot of pressure to succeed, and there are constant messages on social media. It may seem hard to reach out for help, but here is what’s at stake:
- Loneliness
- Mal-adaptive behaviors such as drinking and drugs
- Inability to function
But I can help you.
We will uncover, explore, and deal with triggers that help feed your anxiety.
You will develop coping strategies that help to let go of the negative, worrisome thoughts.
You will learn how to use tools to overcome stressors to help you stay calm and balanced. You will begin to feel joy again.
Some strategies we will explore together are deep breathing exercises, journaling, mindfulness, exercise, to name a few.
Are you feeling discontent with everything?
You feel hopeless and have lost interest in things that used to bring you pleasure.
Agitated, isolated, restless, irritable, can’t sleep or just want to sleep, and your cry often.
Maybe you can’t concentrate – you’re tired and lack motivation.
Perhaps your self-worth is at an all-time low, and you’re plagued with thoughts of suicide.
Your depression may or may not be related to a specific event. Depression can come out of nowhere and often goes along with anxiety. Here is what’s at stake by not seeking help:
- Isolation
- Suicidal thoughts, plan or action
- Inability to function
Help is here.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) helps identify current life situations that may cause or contribute to your anxiety and depression. In addition, CBT helps explore what you are going through using talk therapy.
Together, we will identify current patterns of distorted perceptions. Then, we will focus on coping strategies like setting attainable goals.
Relaxation and meditation techniques are helpful.
You will respond to feelings more appropriately. As a result, your mood will improve.
Let’s work together so you can be healthy and happy again.
If you are tired of feeling unfulfilled… if you want to stop feeling lonely and sad…
And if you are truly ready for change, call me for a free consultation: (610) 639-2265.