It’s your choice.
Close the book or turn the page…
Therapy for Individuals, Teens, and Families
Virtual and In-Person in Blue Bell, PA
Chapter 1:
“I feel trapped.””
Heart racing, tightness in your chest, struggling to get air. You catastrophize outcomes to everyday situations.
When faced with decisions, it’s a game of should’ve, would’ve, could’ve.
It feels like you’re in a constant spiral. Relationships are unsatisfying, and you feel constant stress.

Chapter 2:
“It’s a struggle to get out of bed.””
You’re sad and lonely. Where did your friendships go?
Canceling the plans you do have. This isn’t the life you dreamed of.
You can’t find joy in anything. Exhaustion sets in.

Chapter 3:
“I hate my body.”
The scale has become your friend. You weigh yourself throughout the day, praying for a different number that you never see.
Exercising has taken over every activity.
You have become rigid and stick with a routine that is unhealthy and unbalanced.
Filled with self-doubt.

Chapter 4:
“I will never get over this.”
You avoid going places that remind you of a past event.
Unstable emotions… nightmares that never stop.
You are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. Always angry.

Chapter 5:
“I wish there were a way to turn things around.”
“When does my story get better?”
It just seems so hopeless. You struggle each day knowing others are happy.
You are fed up and ready to close the book. This wouldn’t be the first time.
You don’t want another book in the pile. Your anger and frustration fuels you to make a change.
There must be a way to reach your next chapter.

Grab your reading glasses…
… and let’s continue.
Those first few chapters were blurry, out of focus, and lacked clarity.
But now you have the sight and INSIGHT to keep going.
Hi, I’m Lisa.
Let me collaborate to help with your story.
You are more than your anxiety, stress, and insecurities.
Let’s explore barriers to happiness by identifying coping skills you can use. I will help you find peace of mind instead of physical reactions.
Therapy will provide you with the resource you need to feel joy again.
Turn the page…
This is your story, but there is more that has yet to be written.
Call me today to schedule a free consultation: