Every day is a struggle just to get out of bed.
You had another nightmare last night.
Certain places trigger feelings inside you, and you can’t shake that weird intuition around some people.
You’re scared.
The pain of the past won’t allow you to overcome the shame and guilt you feel.
There’s also the anger you experience.
Trauma is different for everyone. For some, a divorce may be a traumatic experience. For others, it could be the loss of a loved one. And yet, others could experience trauma by losing a job. Being the victim of a violent or sexual crime is another example of a traumatic experience.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Anything but love.
A horrible event is triggered by experiencing or witnessing it. You may have anxiety, constant thoughts about the event, nightmares, or just fear.
PTSD can cause the inability to cope or function. Sometimes symptoms occur immediately after the event. Other times it is years later. Symptoms vary for each person.
Intrusive Thoughts
- Nightmares
- Flashbacks
- Emotional distress
Negative mood
- Loss of interest in activities
- Feeling numb
- Avoiding places/people
Physical changes
- Angry or aggressive outbursts
- Self-destructive behavior
- Guilt/shame
“Hold yourself back or heal yourself back together. You decide.”
– Brittany Burgunder
Exposure Therapy is a useful trauma treatment.
In my safe setting, you slowly face fears in your imagination or real life.
You are exposed to a situation that triggers fear or panic and seeing people that had once triggered you. Exposure therapy consists of different methods. IN VIVO Exposure is the confrontation of something feared. It can be a person, an object, or a place. If the trauma is related to a place, you will potentially look at pictures of that place, describe that place, and eventually go to that place where the life-affecting moment occurred.
IN IMAGINAL Exposure, you are asked to imagine feared images or situations. The thought here is that it is not safe to go back to that place physically. Both of these have been proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and PTSD through Exposure and re-Exposure until you become desensitized to the fearful thought.
Let go of the past.
Trauma can cause you to feel embarrassment, shame, guilt, anxiety, worthlessness, and blame.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Letting go is a phone call away.
Call me for a free consultation: (610) 639-2265.